Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Maabara Skuli za JKU Mtoni akitoa maelezo kwa Waziri wa Nchi Afisi ya Rais Tawala za Mikoa na Idara Maalum za SMZ, Mhe. Masoud Ali Mohamed

Mwalimu Mkuu Skuli za JKU Mtoni Kanali Jabir Saleh Simba akitoa Zawadi kwa Mwanafunzi aliefanya vizuri Kidato cha Kwanza Mwaka 2021

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Jeshi la Kujenga Uchumi (commonly known as Zanzibar National Service) is a government institution which is currently under the Ministry of State (President’s Office) for Local Governments and Special Departments. It is a production, service and training-oriented department offering lower level technical trainings, secondary school education and different production programmes. The major beneficiaries of JKU activities are Zanzibari youths, both males and females.
The main objectives of JKU in the educational sector
(a) To support the Government and the country at large on its effort to provide greater access to secondary school education to all qualifying Zanzibaris in particular and Tanzanians in general.
(b) To strengthen the capacity of JKU educationally unfortunate servicemen and women.
(c) To contribute in increasing the output of qualified students in science and arts for higher education.
(d)To assist school dropouts through conducting different vocational trainings to enable them become self-employed.
(e) To be among the leading teaching and training centre in terms of performance, morality and discipline.